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The letter "j" ("jota") produces a very special sound that is hard to describe in writing for English speakers. You can try to think of some common Spanish names like "Juan" or "José", where the pronounciation might be familiar to you.

If these names don't tell you anything, try the following: Say the words "crab", "crystal" and "crazy". Focus your attention on the first "k"-sound of these words and speak it out loud in isolation a couple of times. Next, leave out the "k" itself and what's left now is a hissing sound that you're making with your tongue while you're breathing out. That is rougly the sound that the letter "jota" is supposed to have.

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j (letter "jota")

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joya (gem)

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juego (game)

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jabón (ham)

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julio (July)

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juez (judge)

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